Monday, May 13, 2024


It's funny the way life seems to go all sorts of directions that you can't really predict. Every day you are a different person then the one you were before and before you know it, you look back and don't recognize the person you were before.  We are in a constant state of becoming.  I guess the question is: "What do I want to become" or rather "Who do I want to become?"  At the end of my life, I want to look back and feel that I had more moments in which I was better than I was the moment prior, than ones in which I wasn't.

Don't get me wrong; I don't for a second believe I won't slip and have a bad day, say the wrong thing, cause someone pain, or totally mess things up.  I fully believe that I am a flawed human and on my journey of becoming, there will be times I become someone I don't like.  There will be times I am tired, in pain, angry, frustrated, hurt, sad, or withdrawn and times where I will lash out and cause harm.  My hope is that with each instance, I will learn and adapt and become someone better because of those experiences.

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