I love music. Seriously, I listen to it all the time. Sometimes I get fixated (like right now) on certain songs (Nemo by Nightwish) and other times I am totally random. My iPod has 5 days straight worth of music on it and when I hit random, I literally could end up listening to Christmas music in April.
The reasons I like music so much are probably very similar to other peoples’ reasons.
So, as the happy bubbly first verse is rolling its way from the entry ear to the ear it worms it’s way out of…Hot and Dangerous…blah blah blah…catchy beat catchy beat….blah blah blah…(incidentally, she has another song called Blah Blah Blah,) I actually start listening to the words. It’s a catchy song. My BFF and I are doing finger calisthenics to the beat and then my favorite line in the entire song comes on…”We are who we ah-are!”
Am I the only one that sees/hears how hilarious that line is? I mean, who else would we be? Should the line read We Are Who We Aren’t or We Aren’t Who We Are? I don’t know about any of you, but I am 100% who I am. This phrase actually runs right along with the phase that was actually listed as one of the top ten over used phrases in America…It is what it is. DUH!!! Really, you felt the need to tell me that construction on the highway is what it is, which is (drum roll please)…Construction on the highway? Seriously.
It makes my brain hurt to know that the phrase “we are who we are” might potentially be empowering an entire demographic who may have thought they weren't who they were and that the road construction was in fact a monster truck rally.
While I truly do enjoy bopping along to Ke$ha, her lyrics leave me wanting. (Wanting Jesus on my Neck-a-lace ace ace.) If you think my literalism is bad for this song, don’t even get me started on Strawberry Wine by Deanna Carter. She misses the loss of her innocence. Ai Ai Ai!
In closing, I do want to express my appreciation for Ke$ha’s laser skillz! You go wit-yo bad self Gurl!

The reasons I like music so much are probably very similar to other peoples’ reasons.
- I can find a song or genre for any mood and any life event and that piece or sound will in some way affect me in the situation it speaks to.
- In the immortal words of Lady Gaga, sometimes I like to “Just Dance.”
- Sometimes songs bring back memories…good and bad. I hear Lean On Me and I am immediately transported back to my high school friend's funeral.
- Some songs serve as reminders. I will never hear “Love the Way You Lie” without a small amount of pain.
- Some songs make the day easier. (Nemo by Nightwish)
- These are the song I want to write about today. In particular, one artist. Ke$ha.
So, as the happy bubbly first verse is rolling its way from the entry ear to the ear it worms it’s way out of…Hot and Dangerous…blah blah blah…catchy beat catchy beat….blah blah blah…(incidentally, she has another song called Blah Blah Blah,) I actually start listening to the words. It’s a catchy song. My BFF and I are doing finger calisthenics to the beat and then my favorite line in the entire song comes on…”We are who we ah-are!”
Am I the only one that sees/hears how hilarious that line is? I mean, who else would we be? Should the line read We Are Who We Aren’t or We Aren’t Who We Are? I don’t know about any of you, but I am 100% who I am. This phrase actually runs right along with the phase that was actually listed as one of the top ten over used phrases in America…It is what it is. DUH!!! Really, you felt the need to tell me that construction on the highway is what it is, which is (drum roll please)…Construction on the highway? Seriously.
It makes my brain hurt to know that the phrase “we are who we are” might potentially be empowering an entire demographic who may have thought they weren't who they were and that the road construction was in fact a monster truck rally.
While I truly do enjoy bopping along to Ke$ha, her lyrics leave me wanting. (Wanting Jesus on my Neck-a-lace ace ace.) If you think my literalism is bad for this song, don’t even get me started on Strawberry Wine by Deanna Carter. She misses the loss of her innocence. Ai Ai Ai!
In closing, I do want to express my appreciation for Ke$ha’s laser skillz! You go wit-yo bad self Gurl!

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